Monday, December 15, 2008

It's About Time

I am so sorry about not updating for so long. Life has been busy and long story short, Samantha's infection in her ankle was getting bad and so we decided to move up the surgery. It was today.

During the time between Thanksgiving and now we have been meeting with doctors and preparing for this day. Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing - my very favorite holiday! Food, good wine and most important - friends and family.

Samantha has been working at keeping caught up at school and even took a couple of her midterm tests early. She has been doing wonderful at school!

After careful consideration she decided to try and save her ankle. If you remember - she had to chose between a below the knee amputation or 3 to 5 surgeries and another year of healing. No one should have had to make this decision - but my bright beautiful daughter took on the challenge and did what she felt was right. She woke up this morning happy she made the decision and now that she is resting comfortably this evening - I am happy.

We packed our hospital bags this morning and listened to Sam's favorite music (super loud) on the drive to the hospital. We checked into the hospital and fell right back into the old routine. It is kind of scary how easy it was - even though it has been 9 months since we have been back for an overnight visit, it is very familiar.

As I waited for Samantha's surgery to finish, I was thinking that last time this year we were here for one of Samantha's hardest times. I remember being upset because I wasn't able to do Christmas shopping, I remember the small Christmas tree set up in the corner. I remember Samantha's swollen lips and all the pumps pushing food and medicine. That stay was 10 days - and we can be glad that this visit should only last 4 days.

At least this time I was prepared. I am almost done with Christmas shopping - we visited Santa yesterday (as you can see by the picture) and the kids baked 'grandma's cookies' yesterday. Perfect timing, since they help settle Sam's stomach after being under this afternoon.

Samantha received an epidural to help manage pain - I am grateful for that. We have to watch - move her around a bit and monitor her blood pressure, but she is comfortable so for that I am happy.

Today's surgery was to remove all the hardware and the cadaver bone, put in an antibiotic coated rod as a place holder and a broviac for her antibiotic treatment over the next 4 to 6 weeks.

The next surgery will be in 2 to 4 weeks. Dr. Heare and a plastic surgeon will try to repair the muscle and tissue around her left ankle. To do that, they move a muscle from her back to her ankle. They hook up the veins and arteries - this will help get good blood supply down to her toes and allow Dr. Heare to close the wound better once the new cadaver/rod is placed in her leg. She will also have to have a skin graph. It seems like a long hard process and it is - but Samantha knows and is ready for the challenge. At any time during the next few months, if she decides that it is too much - she can opt for the amputation or if it looks like the infection won't go away... But for now, we are all just hoping for the best. So far it is good and Dr. Heare says we have a 60 to 70 percent chance of success. As always - we will take it a day at a time.

Daniel is doing well. His favorite class is graphic arts - he is really good at it - his teacher is pushing him since she sees his talent. He is preparing for his midterm tests and will take them this week. I think he is pretty excited for Christmas and the break.

Isabella has been on a Santa 'high' the past couple of weeks. She loved decorating for Christmas and was super excited to see Santa. She had a upsetting dream the other night - she woke up and was pretty upset because in her dream, she wasn't on Santa's 'good' list and only got a rock in her stocking. I forgot how nice it was when the kids are this age and they work extra hard at being nice... But I think her favorite is the advent calendar and she hasn't forgot to get her candy once all month! :)

She also had her winter program at school last week. I took some video and will try and get it uploaded to You-Tube soon.

Let's see - I probably am missing a whole bunch of info from the last few weeks - but it has been a long day. I promise to update more often and let everyone know how we are doing.

Until tomorrow - take care - stay warm - and lots of love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,
    You are right Angel, it is kind of strange to be back in this mode again but it sounds like you are ready my SUPERWOMAN daughter!
    I love the new photo and your blog entry was fantastic. Tell Daniel he's really turned into a "Dude" for sure. As always my other little angels are angelic looking. Then I read the part about her dream. I laughed so hard almost cried. I can hardly wait to see you all! Love and Prayers,


Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!