The restaurant here in Denver is known for their Spanish wines and lounge like atmosphere. My favorite version of the logo is the top version because the glass of wine is red as well as the number 9. The musician has the Spanish feel and the glass of wine conveys what the restaurant is famous for. The current logo is 8 purple, red and orange rectangles ( I am probably biased but I am so proud of Daniel and I think his logo is fantastic.
I tossed and turned last night - uncomfortable - and woke up feeling off. The day flew by as I did all the things I was supposed to do today, but I kept flashing back to the events of this same weekend two years ago. We had just learned that Samantha did in fact have cancer. The fear was indescribable - to this day nothing matches it except the fear that it may return. I have watched my daughter grow up the last 2 years from a girl to a young courageous woman. Even with all the complications and the multiple scars covering her body, she is a one year survivor! Thinking on it - I decided the whole family are survivors. Samantha had the worst of it - but Daniel and Isabella and Jeremy have paid a price as well - I sometimes forget....
I still read the Caring Bridge sites and I still hear of children whose cancer has returned for second and third times. Two of Samantha's friends from her cancer teen group are always in my thoughts - one young man so full of life who always has a smile is battling for his third time and another girl's mother is battling with the decision on how to handle her daughter's last days. Each and every day I am grateful that Samantha is still cancer free.
I know our family is stronger than we were - I hope my 3 children realize it as well as they grow and are able to look back with perspective. I will not lie and say life has been easy these past two years, but we got thru them and we will continue to get thru them. My hope is to make sure my family laughs more than we cry and that the arguments are short - some days are better than others...
Samantha is feeling alright - a bit restless but who can blame her. Daniel teaches me daily the importance of keeping my mouth shut :) and Jeremy is still a bit sore (it has been barely a week) and a bit restless as well. Isabella had a full weekend - friends and parties - oh my!
I was all exited to have a chance to clean the house in a nice and relaxing way; however, between Isabella's social calendar and Daniel's impromptu requests to get some new clothes and a hair cut, nothing was accomplished. As I sit here I am amazed with that even though I barely sat down all weekend.
Oh well, it was still a good weekend. And now that it is over, I will say goodnight and love to everyone!