Friday, February 6, 2009

My Poor Stitched Up Family

Roxy is Home! Yahoo! She is getting around very slowly - she just looks at me, her eyes saying "help me!" She of course has the big cone on her head. In the picture below - you can see her paw trying to push it off.
The surgery went well and in about 2 weeks she won't have to wear the cone any more and we can start exercising her.
Roxy is home all stitched up and hobbling around and I wanted to show everyone a picture of Sam - all stitched up and laying around. She is not too happy with me here... She has an ice pack in her hand - icing her shot site. She has a small catheter insterted just under her skin where we give her blood thinner shots. They sting pretty bad - but icing helps.
Jeremy went to see the lung specialist on Thursday and they took the tube out of his chest. He is feeling pretty good. We found out that there is a 50% chance of this spontaneous neurothormax (lung popping) happening again with no warning. There is a procedure that changes that to a 95% chance it will never happen again. He is meeting with the surgeon next week to get more information on what they do. So far we are thinking they will scope his lung to find the imperfection and reinforce it for lack of a better medical term. He will be in the hospital for about a week and then another week at home taking it easy and another 4 to 6 weeks doing nothing strenuous and no high elevations or flying.
Jeremy has decided to get this done as soon as possible - before Sam's next surgery. That way our summer plans won't have to change too much. We have traveling to do for his cousins graduation - we have the Courage Classic - Jeremy has mulitple Leadville mountain bike races...
The list is long. We continue to battle for balance. I guess the price we pay to have some quality time later is a bit of craziness now. That is what Sam is doing - Once she is done and walking again - she will be set.
So I think that is it with the family health update... Daniel and I battled a little stomach thing that only lasted 24 hours and we are back to feeling good. Daniel has plans all weekend already. Isabella is booked for the rest of the month if you can believe it. She has a birthday sleepover tonight, another birthday party next weekend, and a birthday party and TeddyBear Tea and concert the following weekend. I talked with her teacher and she did ok this past week when we were in the hospital. She was a bit emotional a couple of days but is back to normal now that we are home.
Jeremy tells me I should just stop talking to people - but I decided to make some friends with the mothers of Isabella's school friends. That way we can do play dates and such. Isabella is a lot like her dad that way - she loves to keep busy and is happiest hanging out with her friends.
Now for something light.... When Samantha was in the hospital this last time - she hated that her hair was so yucky. She never had to worry about that before - lol. Any way the nurses found this shampoo cap. It is pretty cool - you warm it up in the microwave and stick it on her head and massage it for a while. I cleans the hair - we took pictures and I am posting as I promised Amy (Dr. Heare's assistant and Sam's second mom).

Here is Sam - out of her bed for the first time, getting her head massaged.

As you can see, she loved it. It actually worked pretty well - we didn't have to rinse - just towelled her hair dry afterward.

Alrighty - I better get to work . My weekends are precious and I have quite a list already.
As soon as we have the date for Jeremy's surgery I will post it. Samantha and Daniel are heading to their dad's house on Monday. Samantha is super excited to get to spend some time with her new brother! She will also have to start spending some time each day getting caught up on her school work.
Enjoy your weekend! Love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angel,
    OMG every time I read your journal I say to myself......... the miracle of life is that you can handle everything and do it so well. Then I think of the "Footprints" you gave me when Daddy died and know how. But I'd sure like to see it ease up a bit on you.
    Tell Jeremy his mother in law will come down there and lay down the law if he doesn't take it easy! Let me know if you want me there the week after he gets out of surgery to help. And please Angel... in the long road of life, it won't really matter if you don't fill your year to overflowing trying to maintain what you call normalcy! Take this next year and try to slow down and take a break. Everyone will live through it. I worry about your load and your determination to do it all alone, but I really worry about your health as well.
    Okay, I'm sorry I had to do it this way but you won't listen to me on the phone so..... enough lecturing. I know you'll do fine and do what you want, but I'm not so old that I can't at least try to give my daughter advise. And don't say I don't know how tough you are, I do. Step in here Diana!
    I love you all so much. Kiss the kids and Jeremy. Tell him I'm kinda glad that he at least has found out what causes this problem with his lung. Once fixed, he can go back to being the hyper guy and we don't have to worry about him as well!
    Love you all!


Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!