Monday, May 25, 2009

Lovin Life

Sitting here listening to the rain outside - having a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate. We had a fantastic weekend.

Samantha has wanted a chance to get out of town for a long time now. We took her to Gunnison - but it wasn't the same. Thru Gold Ribbon Families (my cancer mom support group) we received an opportunity to stay at Keystone Ski Resort for free. It was perfect. The weather here in Denver was overcast and raining so we wouldn't have been able to do much outside anyway. The weather in the mountain was about the same but there is something about sitting in a jacuzzi in the rain that is really relaxing. The outdoor pool was heated so the kids pretty much lived there for 3 days straight. Jeremy and I got to read books and Daniel and I went for a couple of bike rides.

It was exactly what Samantha wanted. The best part was that all kids got along - Isabella was a bit cranky after no naps for 3 days straight - but for the most part is was a drama free weekend!

Life has been rolling along - Jeremy got a clean bill of health last week and now gets to ride his bike to his hearts content. Daniel and Samantha have only 1 more week of school (finals) and then they are off to Camp Wapiyapi. Isabella has her Cultural event marking the end of her school year on Friday. I hope summer goes well for her - a lot of her regular friends won't be going to the summer program. There is one little boy - just turned 6 - that likes Isabella. He walked up to Jeremy on day and handed his phone number to him and said, "Have her call me."

Every time Isabella refers to him - she says his whole name - Aidan Fransisco Carnivalli - never just Aidan. He is a line backer of a 6 year old who loves to play basket ball and chase the girls. Isabella finally gave him a call tonight and they talked for almost 20 minutes. Oh man....

Daniel was eyeing these 2 girls around the pool this weekend - they were young looking and well rounded. Later in the evening I was sitting in the jacuzzi watching the girls play in the pool when those same 2 girls slipped in. Two young boys also showed up and I was trying really hard to not listen to their conversation. I wasn't successful - however, I overheard them mention their age - 13! It was so fun to tell Daniel his 2 "hot" girls were only 13... Sometimes being a mom really pays off. :) Oh the love life of my children.
Work is interesting - busy as I try to justify my role to my customers. I was successful with one of them and I have until August to convince my other one. In the meantime we have Hannah's graduation in a couple of weeks, I am hoping to get to a girls weekend away to Austin and then the Courage Classic. Stay tuned for info on that - I will be asking for donations! I want to get to Cody for a bit and also go to Washington to visit Dianna at some point.
I have been spending most of my spare time working on my garden. Jeremy put in another garden for me on Mother's Day. I have cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, peas, onions and tomatoes in one garden. In the other one I have 2 kinds of squash, cucumbers, watermelon and pumpkins in the other. I also planted some raspberry and blackberry bushes. The yard is really coming along. I so love to walk thru my yard and look at all the new growth. I quite a bit of weeding to do - but it is definitely a labor of love.
We also got the ok ( well Jeremy GAVE the ok) to finally get started on an addition to the house. Jeremy and I are going to build a sun room off of the main living room of the house. Originally when we received quotes it was for the whole kit and kaboodle and totally out of our budget - but this time we are only hiring out the foundation. We will be doing the rest of the work. I am so excited - big windows and a space to grow even more plants. I am going to move my work area into there as well. We are thinking it should be done by October.
I hope everyone else is plugging along like us. Normal is wonderful!
I wish normal for everyone!


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Layer/Gray Family

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Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!