Poor Daniel! He took this picture of himself Saturday morning right after he woke up. He was so sure this wisdom teeth stuff would be no big deal. He didn't even want to take Advil. But he soon changed his tune.
It looks a lot worse than it is - but his cheeks were pretty swollen. We should have gotten Sam and Dan together when her lips were swollen - what a Christmas card that would be...
The weekend was a nice one for the most part. Daniel just watched some movies, played some video games and took it easy.
I did some housework and grocery shopping. Jeremy's ankle is still a bit achy but he had the doctor check again now that the swelling is down and it is not broken - good news but we all stayed close to home.
Sunday was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect. Jeremy and I worked out in the yard for the most part - Isabella played and Sam sat out and kept us company. I turned all the soil in the garden to prepare for planting and Jeremy made me a new planter box for the back yard for my herb garden.
Once that was done I went shopping - yahoo! I didn't have a chance to start seeds in Feb. so I decided I would just buy some seedlings. I had to go to 3 different places to get everything I wanted. We decided that along with tomatoes and peppers, we would try broccoli and cauliflower this year as well. Then of course I needed an assortment of herbs for my new garden and some annuals for the front garden.
Samantha and Isabella and I hit the first few stores together then we had to drop Isabella off for the remainder. It was getting close to nap time and a tired Izi in a busy store just isn't good for anyone.
Once we made it home, Jeremy cooked dinner and Samantha made this baked pineapple for desert that was wonderful. While it was cooking I started planting. It never fails - every time I am at a nursery or garden store - my eyes are bigger than my wallet. ;)
I came home with so many plants... Needless to say I still have many left to plant. I was going to do some on my lunch hour today, but a cold front is moving in and there is snow in the forecast. Can you believe it? Only in Colorado - in all the years I have been here - Mother's Day is usually safe for planting. I am hoping that the plants that made it into the ground yesterday can take the cold. I didn't get to the garden so those plants safely in for the night as well as the rest of the annuals I didn't have a chance to plant.
Daniel's cheeks are deflating as we speak - he didn't make it to school today but he should be fine for tomorrow. I think the percasett didn't agree with him. It made him feel ok - but he had nightmares and didn't sleep well. He wouldn't take them at all on Sunday.
Well it is late - I can't believe that it may snow tomorrow - I love the moisture - but I would like some warmer weather.
Take care - Love to everyone!
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