Well the day started early. Any day that we have a specific place we need to be at a certain time the day always has to start early. This morning Samantha had to be at the Elitches (a roller coaster park) by 9:30am. To most families this may seem like plenty of time - but not to ours.
I had everyone up and showered by 7:30am - we were looking good. Isabella was up, dressed and eating breakfast by 7:50am. I was making the lunches, answering morning emails, getting the stuff Sam needs to get ready when Isabella decided to dump her bowl of cereal and milk all over the place. So then we entered clean up mode - Isabella headed upstairs to change clothes - by this time Jeremy had to leave for an 8:30am meeting and we were on schedule to leave in 10 as well. Well it turns out that Isabella had a bit of a wardrobe crisis and we didn't leave the house until 9.
Believe it or not we were able to get Isabella to school and make a couple quick stops before arriving only 15 or so minutes late. The good thing is that the school buses we were supposed to meet were late as well.
Samantha ended up having a super fun day 'studying' about roller coasters and velocity. I never had school trips like this when I was growing up...
Anyway - her field trip lasted until 5:30 pm - so I worked until 3:30 - worked out for 20 minutes then I was off to pick up Isabella by 4:30 - then picked up Daniel - then Jeremy at 5 pm. Daniel got to chose a place to go out for dinner since he won't be eating well for the next few days. His wisdom teeth are scheduled to be removed at 9am tomorrow morning.
I think he is enjoying the fact that it is his turn as weird as that seems, to have some attention. I will work from home tomorrow and take care of him. I am hoping everything goes ok and he doesn't experience too much pain.
Anyway - since we had to be downtown to pick up Samantha - he picked a favorite Italian food joint and we met Uncle Ike and had a nice dinner together.
I ran out of wine a couple days ago and I was thinking on the way home - I can wait until tomorrow - I just want to get home. But then Daniel started picking on Isabella - Samantha started asking to go for ice cream and I decided that I would have to stop after all.
I went to pick up some wine - Daniel went to pick up the ice cream and Samantha picked out some movies.
We made it home by dusk...
I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend - we will see how that goes. Jeremy has been pretty busy at work lately and I am hoping he will go have his foot checked again now that the swelling is down. It still hurts him most of the time - I think he could at least benefit from a boot. But like most men - he is a bit stubborn.
Here is a picture of Samantha's new cast. She has a bow that she can add if she wants - but I couldn't find it - sorry.
She doesn't have school tomorrow which is probably good. She can spend the day relaxing after today. She has been managing her pain with only an occasional Advil and walking on it everyday. I am super proud of her - she will be walking in no time.
I also want to say a quick thank you to everyone who has sponsored me for the Courage Classic. Jeremy is still winning but I am close behind. Each time I look at the amount raised so far - I feel wonderful. I feel like I have a chance to give something back.
I am struggling a bit - a young girl Taylor (her caring bridge site is in the link section) had a biopsy last week. They didn't get real good news this week and I have been thinking about her constantly. Her cancer has spread even with her doing radiation and chemo. I am hoping they have more options - just waiting to hear. But please send good thoughts to her and her family. She is a sweety and her mom is a super strong lady. I can't tell you how many times a day I wish and wish that every child could beat cancer - send it packing. You hear that the survival rates for kids cancer are high - at least 80% - but that means 20 out of a 100 don't make it and I don't want Taylor to be one of those 20.
I will post tomorrow and let everyone know how things turned out with Daniel. Sweet Dreams!
Love to everyone!
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