Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent a wonderful relaxing weekend in Gunnison with friends. They have a 1 and half year old boy and he and Isabella played and played. She isn't used to being the oldest - so it was good for her. She had to work on patience - I think that is the hardest trait sometimes.

Samantha loved being out of town. On the way over we checked out the tipi and decided that it needed some attention so Jeremy and I will be planning another weekend up there to get it into shape. A tree fell over this winter (a big evergreen) and some of the tipi poles need to be turned. It is still pretty cold up there but with some warm clothes I think we can handle an over night trip.

We rented a pontoon boat on Sunday. It was quite the adventure - the engine had trouble starting a couple of times. We turned it off to fish a bit and just drift and enjoy the sun. But as we drifted closer to the rocks the engine got stubborn. We had to use our 1 paddle and one of Samantha's crutches to push away from the big rocks. At one point Jeremy was on shore pulling the boat along the coast line while Bill (our friend) was paddling and I was keeping the boat out of the rocks. Just when we thought the motor was warmed up enough to handle a rest - it would get stubborn again and not start. After about 4 hours we called it a day even though we were fish less. Samantha loved driving the boat, she did a pretty good job and even Isabella took a turn sitting on dad's lap and steering. Isabella and Burk kept trying to convince us they were just fine without the life vest - but that was a no go.

After the boat ride the kids played more at the house and Sam and I took a drive up to Crested Butte. There is still a lot of snow up on the mountain but the little ski town is coming along. Spring is just starting there...

After another 'super sleepover' as Isabella called it - Susan made us some awesome pumpkin waffles for breakfast - yum! Then Samantha got to go for a ride with Bill in his Roadster.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend. Gunnison life is so laid back and simple. It is a really nice change from the big city. Jeremy went to college there and every time we visit he starts planning on a way to get back. You never know - we just might end up there someday - once the big kids are in college..

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Layer/Gray Family

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Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!