Thursday, December 25, 2008


What a wonderful and relaxing day! A perfect present after a month of crazy activities.
Samantha is doing fantastic. Monday came and we met with Dr. Heare so the dressing could be changed. Samantha once again lived up to her nickname of 'Super Sam'!

She watched the whole thing - as the doctor removed the heavy dressing and checked the incision. She didn't complain at all as they put the new cast on... Dr Heare had to hold onto her big toe and under her knee while they worked. Remember she doesn't have a bone in her lower leg right now. Anyone who has watched the second Harry Potter movie where the bones of his arm were removed will be able to imagine how her leg looked - totally weird. At one point the doctor lowered her leg to let her rest and her ankle and leg flopped a bit. I definitely could have done without seeing that ! Anyway we made it thru that appointment and hurried home to meet Grandma Tina and George.
Tuesday we did some running around later in the afternoon. Mom got to experience our mall during Christmas time. I tell you I often wish that there was a little wine bar attached for times just like this... I remember the mall in Billings Montana (where I grew up) had one and it was so fun to stop there to relax after a day of Christmas shopping. Needless to say we made it home in time to just relax the evening away.
Then on Wed morning we got everyone up and took them into work for the Avaya family Christmas party. It is always nice - the kids get to see a magic show, do crafts, color and eat muffins and doughnuts after they see Santa. Jeremy volunteers as the elf. While most parents complained that they couldn't get their teenagers out of bed to stop by - I just smiled because I didn't have that problem. Daniel and Samantha didn't want to miss the opportunity to see Jeremy done up as the elf. After meeting with Santa we had a great lunch out and headed home to prepare for Christmas Eve.
We like to have our family and friends over then and prepare a big seafood dinner. As usual it was super fun. The kids ran around crazy (the younger ones) watching for Santa while the grownups enjoys some wine and whiskey. Everyone got their fill and then we exchanged presents with those who had to leave. I got to bed around 1 am.
Christmas morning was perfect - while Daniel stressed heavily the night before that I should NOT wake him up under any condition - he was actually the first kid up! Jeremy was up and made breakfast and coffee and cleaned the kitchen when we finally decided that we should probably wake Isabella up so we could get started.
All in all I believe everyone enjoyed their gifts. Every time Isabella met Santa she asked for the High School Musical dolls and Santa remembered! Sam got items to decorate her room PBTeen style and Daniel finally got his own laptop. (this was as much a gift for me as him - now I don't have to listen to the kids fight over the computer and complain how slow it is)
The big kids headed over to their dad's for the next round while everyone here continue to relax and watch movies. Mom and George have to return home tomorrow but it was wonderful having them here to celebrate our craziness.
I am going to finish off with a pictures of Isabella playing with her makeup (thank you Grandma Liz) and dressed as a cheer leader (thank you Heath and family!)
PEACE AND LOVE to everyone!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Freaky Friday

So we got off to a rough start this morning. I was proud of myself because I felt like freaking out on the home nursing company, but I kept my cool - complained to the management and all turned out ok.
The plan was to have Samantha get her first home antibiotic treatment last night. We were told that the nurse would be at our home at 8 pm then they said between 9 and 10. At 10:30pm last night, I called. Apparently no nurse was scheduled - a miss communication between the hospital and nursing company. No problem there - I thought I could just administer the first dose. But here is the kicker... Samantha has not had this particular antibiotic before, so it is a good idea to have an epi-pen available in case she has a reaction. After talking with doctors we decided that Sam could wait until 8 am this morning for her first dose.

I woke up early and guess what - 8 am came and went. The nursing company tried to cancel again - I of course got a bit upset and we finally got a nurse with an epi-pen out at 10:30 am. Dr. Heare wasn't too concerned so I feel ok now. But I tell you what - my imagination was flying this morning.

Samantha had another pretty good day. She ate well and can't really do much yet - but when she does move she does it pretty well.

I took some pictures so you can see how big the dressing is and how beautiful she is a mere 4 days after a major operation.

Isabella was actually excited about going to school - it was pajama day. Bedtime this evening went super smooth.

We finished the day with a movie - I say 'we' but it was really just me. Samantha was doing something on the computer and Jeremy fell asleep on the couch.

Samantha needs to get her antibiotic 4 times a day - her evening dose is at 10:30 pm and I need to stay up until it finishes - so say at least another hour. Then I will need to get up at 4:30am for the next one. I am regressing back to the baby schedule days. :)

Good thing tomorrow is Saturday and I can just work on the house and Christmas stuff a bit at a time.

Another side effect of waiting for the antibiotic is that I was finally able to upload Isabella's Winter Program performances to You Tube. Here are the links: - This is Isabella singing 'A Partridge in a Pear Tree' - This is her Country Christmas Dance

A couple tips for You tube - when you click on the link it will bring up a screen, on the bottom right - just under the volume control, is an option to 'watch in high quality'. It helps. I wasn't the best photographer - I was trying to watch with my own eyes instead of thru the camera and we were back a bit. Also on the left is 'More from Layergal' - you can click on this and see all the videos I have posted without having to come back to this page for the other link.

Thanks to everyone who has posted encouraging words for Sam and the family. It was a tough week but we got thru it just fine and we will handle the next challenge just as well I am sure with the help of every one's thoughts and prayers.

Night and Love to everyone!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well we made it home today. It was snowing and cold but home is so nice...

Samantha chose to come home today. She is feeling good and managing her pain great.
The doctors have arranged for a nurse to come to the house and show us how to care for her broviac and administer the antibiotics. We are waiting for the nurse now.

Samantha is taking a quick shower, Isabella is sleeping after we giggled a bit and read a couple of books. I missed putting her to bed!

Daniel is at his dad's tonight, relieved that finals are over and looking forward to a nice break.

Jeremy and I are both looking forward to some quiet times at work (knock on wood!)

It was so familiar leaving the hospital today, but I realized on the way home that we don't have to go back for another 4 weeks - just enough time to start to feel normal again. I felt at home at the hospital but there were so many new faces - a lot of younger kids this time - but the parents all look the same.

It is time to get back into the Christmas spirit, I plan on listening to some of my favorite music and start wrapping packages. I think I am pretty much done - but some will get their gifts late (some things never change). :)

Tomorrow I will probably have to do some grocery shopping and a quick one two on the house.

I will take some pictures tomorrow and post them tomorrow evening - Samantha is looking fantastic, just a big splint on her lower left leg.

Take care!
Love to everyone!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Daughter Super Sam

Today will be another quick update. Samantha had a pretty good night - she woke up a couple of times but the nurses are great - not stingy with pain meds at all. I think we have a great combo of meds. There is this one - a liquid form of ibuprofen. It is fantastic for bone pain and swelling. Unfortunately, she can only take it 48 hours at a time.

PT came bright and early and Samantha decided to try and move. She wasn't really happy about it but she did it. She got up and sat in the chair with her leg lowered a bit for quite a while. She tried to use the crutches - but she her right breast area is still tender from the broviac placement. Her leg is also pretty heavily bandaged and awkward. With her weak hip it wasn't realistic that she would be able to crutch down the hall. So the bottom line is that PT agreed that she is doing well enough to go home when she is ready. Dr Heare agreed - if she decides she wants to - we will go home tomorrow.

In the meantime, we continue to watch Gilmore Girls during every waking minute and try to find something that Sam will eat. Good Times... :)

I hope everyone is happy and healthy!
Love to everyone!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 2 - Quick update

So today was ok. Samantha had a pretty good night after giving me the low down on all her friends and the characters of the show "The Hills". There was a lot of turning her and watching her blood pressure.

Dr. Heare wanted the epidural out today so she was transitioned to oral pain meds. This afternoon they removed it for good and she seems to be managing the pain ok. Even though the Dr and physical therapist really wanted her to stand or at least sit on the side of the bed, she would not do it.

I think it is a bit harder for her because she has been here before and knows that it is going to hurt when she finally does move that leg. She is resisting. Tomorrow she won't have a choice and I have a feeling it will be a hard day. Then I am thinking we will be able to go home on Thursday.

Isabella is doing ok - a bit of a rough start this morning but she had a blast playing in the hospital playroom this evening. She remembers this routine as well. She just wanted to make sure Samantha and I would be home before Christmas.

Daniel was actually nice to his sister today - played some x-box video game with her for a while. He had part of his Calculus midterm today and he finishes up the rest of his tests on Thursday.

The weather is still cold but at least the sun came out today so the roads are improving.

I think that is it for now - sorry for the short report tonight - but I am beat.

Until tomorrow - Love to everyone!

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's About Time

I am so sorry about not updating for so long. Life has been busy and long story short, Samantha's infection in her ankle was getting bad and so we decided to move up the surgery. It was today.

During the time between Thanksgiving and now we have been meeting with doctors and preparing for this day. Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing - my very favorite holiday! Food, good wine and most important - friends and family.

Samantha has been working at keeping caught up at school and even took a couple of her midterm tests early. She has been doing wonderful at school!

After careful consideration she decided to try and save her ankle. If you remember - she had to chose between a below the knee amputation or 3 to 5 surgeries and another year of healing. No one should have had to make this decision - but my bright beautiful daughter took on the challenge and did what she felt was right. She woke up this morning happy she made the decision and now that she is resting comfortably this evening - I am happy.

We packed our hospital bags this morning and listened to Sam's favorite music (super loud) on the drive to the hospital. We checked into the hospital and fell right back into the old routine. It is kind of scary how easy it was - even though it has been 9 months since we have been back for an overnight visit, it is very familiar.

As I waited for Samantha's surgery to finish, I was thinking that last time this year we were here for one of Samantha's hardest times. I remember being upset because I wasn't able to do Christmas shopping, I remember the small Christmas tree set up in the corner. I remember Samantha's swollen lips and all the pumps pushing food and medicine. That stay was 10 days - and we can be glad that this visit should only last 4 days.

At least this time I was prepared. I am almost done with Christmas shopping - we visited Santa yesterday (as you can see by the picture) and the kids baked 'grandma's cookies' yesterday. Perfect timing, since they help settle Sam's stomach after being under this afternoon.

Samantha received an epidural to help manage pain - I am grateful for that. We have to watch - move her around a bit and monitor her blood pressure, but she is comfortable so for that I am happy.

Today's surgery was to remove all the hardware and the cadaver bone, put in an antibiotic coated rod as a place holder and a broviac for her antibiotic treatment over the next 4 to 6 weeks.

The next surgery will be in 2 to 4 weeks. Dr. Heare and a plastic surgeon will try to repair the muscle and tissue around her left ankle. To do that, they move a muscle from her back to her ankle. They hook up the veins and arteries - this will help get good blood supply down to her toes and allow Dr. Heare to close the wound better once the new cadaver/rod is placed in her leg. She will also have to have a skin graph. It seems like a long hard process and it is - but Samantha knows and is ready for the challenge. At any time during the next few months, if she decides that it is too much - she can opt for the amputation or if it looks like the infection won't go away... But for now, we are all just hoping for the best. So far it is good and Dr. Heare says we have a 60 to 70 percent chance of success. As always - we will take it a day at a time.

Daniel is doing well. His favorite class is graphic arts - he is really good at it - his teacher is pushing him since she sees his talent. He is preparing for his midterm tests and will take them this week. I think he is pretty excited for Christmas and the break.

Isabella has been on a Santa 'high' the past couple of weeks. She loved decorating for Christmas and was super excited to see Santa. She had a upsetting dream the other night - she woke up and was pretty upset because in her dream, she wasn't on Santa's 'good' list and only got a rock in her stocking. I forgot how nice it was when the kids are this age and they work extra hard at being nice... But I think her favorite is the advent calendar and she hasn't forgot to get her candy once all month! :)

She also had her winter program at school last week. I took some video and will try and get it uploaded to You-Tube soon.

Let's see - I probably am missing a whole bunch of info from the last few weeks - but it has been a long day. I promise to update more often and let everyone know how we are doing.

Until tomorrow - take care - stay warm - and lots of love to everyone!

Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!