Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So you may have heard that the weather here in Denver has been a bit overcast the past couple of days. Well this morning Isabella decided she wanted to feel 'cozy' and insisted on wearing everything. She looked so dang cute - I couldn't find her hat right away so she decided to wear Jeremy's. We had to roll it up a bit. The funny thing is that she wouldn't wear her rain boots - only her sandals.

Samantha was up late last night working on her end of year project for school. She put together a time line of her life so far. She has included all the life changing events of she has experienced so far and then a couple of stories from her grandparents and some poems she wrote. I am excited to read it.
Daniel stayed home this past weekend to work a catering job. He really enjoyed making some money and is super excited about the next one coming up in a couple of weeks.
Both of them are with their dad this week but I usually get to see them after school for a few. Samantha and I also have tickets to see the Broadway play Mamma Mia - you know Samantha and her musicals...
Jeremy took the day off to work on Mike's toilet (fun fun) and to get some physical therapy on his ankle - which by the way is coming along wonderfully.
I just worked, hit my WW meeting and got an allergy shot - so very exciting. But I did get a great recipe from WW for a Warm White Bean Salad. I had some Lupini beans so I sauteed some tomatoes, peppers, onion and garlic. Then firsts I added some sage from my herb garden. It tasted wonderful - I also tried it with some fresh oregano and basil - also very good and good for me - yahoo!

I am going to leave you with a more cute pictures of Isabella. She made her own pizza for dinner tonight.

Night and love to everyone!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent a wonderful relaxing weekend in Gunnison with friends. They have a 1 and half year old boy and he and Isabella played and played. She isn't used to being the oldest - so it was good for her. She had to work on patience - I think that is the hardest trait sometimes.

Samantha loved being out of town. On the way over we checked out the tipi and decided that it needed some attention so Jeremy and I will be planning another weekend up there to get it into shape. A tree fell over this winter (a big evergreen) and some of the tipi poles need to be turned. It is still pretty cold up there but with some warm clothes I think we can handle an over night trip.

We rented a pontoon boat on Sunday. It was quite the adventure - the engine had trouble starting a couple of times. We turned it off to fish a bit and just drift and enjoy the sun. But as we drifted closer to the rocks the engine got stubborn. We had to use our 1 paddle and one of Samantha's crutches to push away from the big rocks. At one point Jeremy was on shore pulling the boat along the coast line while Bill (our friend) was paddling and I was keeping the boat out of the rocks. Just when we thought the motor was warmed up enough to handle a rest - it would get stubborn again and not start. After about 4 hours we called it a day even though we were fish less. Samantha loved driving the boat, she did a pretty good job and even Isabella took a turn sitting on dad's lap and steering. Isabella and Burk kept trying to convince us they were just fine without the life vest - but that was a no go.

After the boat ride the kids played more at the house and Sam and I took a drive up to Crested Butte. There is still a lot of snow up on the mountain but the little ski town is coming along. Spring is just starting there...

After another 'super sleepover' as Isabella called it - Susan made us some awesome pumpkin waffles for breakfast - yum! Then Samantha got to go for a ride with Bill in his Roadster.

All in all it was a wonderful weekend. Gunnison life is so laid back and simple. It is a really nice change from the big city. Jeremy went to college there and every time we visit he starts planning on a way to get back. You never know - we just might end up there someday - once the big kids are in college..

Friday, May 23, 2008


Well if you haven't heard we have had some severe weather here in Colorado. They hit yesterday a bit north east of us in Windsor and Greeley. I got a call from my mom just after they hit wondering if I was ok - we were. I looked out and only saw sun from my work window.
But I was looking over the pictures from yesterday and was amazed at the damage done in such a short time. It motivated me to back up my pictures and make sure they are all in the basement and safe. Although we are too close to the foothills - tornadoes don't touch down close to us.
All in all the week hasn't been too bad for the kids and myself. Jeremy had a rough one - he is a coach or manager and there were layoffs this week. He is super glad we have a long weekend. We are heading to Gunnison for the weekend to chill with some friends. Not much planned other than visiting and maybe some fishing and a boat ride.
Today was pajama day at Isabella's school today. I wish I would have got a picture but didn't think of it. The mornings are kind of crazy at times. School for Dan and Sam is almost over, I think they have have 7 more days left. A quick reminder for Mom Thomson - Samantha's assignment is due on Tuesday - so don't forget to send your story to her this weekend. Thanks!
Daniel had some friends over - his friend wanted to dye his hair blond. It turned out ok - not super blond but he was happy enough.
We then decorated Samantha's room a bit. She had some pictures she wanted me to hang and the Chinese lamp in the picture. She thinks her room looks so 'zen' now. Samantha loves to decorate her room. The problem is she gets and idea and by the time we get the stuff she wants, she changes her mind and wants something else.
Just before she got sick last year she picked out a comforter and all these colors. Now she is tired and wants to change again. I told her she needs to get a job - mine can't pay for it again so soon. :)
Well it is time to sign off - I am going to go sit in the jacuzzi and hit the sack. I can't believe it is already 10:30 pm. The days just fly.
Love to everyone!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We are sitting here watching American Idol. Only my daughter battling cancer could have got me to watch this show. I have tried so hard to avoid reality TV but she loves this show along with a couple others -- America's Top Model and Beauty and the Geek...

I was pleasantly surprised - I don't know if it is always like this but there was a couple of bluesy and hippy type singers. Samantha loved Jason - who can blame her with eyes like his...

Anyway she has been pretty excited all day. I think only Samantha could have gotten Jeremy involved as well. He doesn't watch much TV at all much less reality. But Samantha recorded each show and wouldn't watch it until Jeremy was ready.

Daniel is hanging out in his room - he protests against AI - he likes 'indie' music (independent) and creativity and you don't really find that on this show. Oh well enough of that.

Samantha stayed home from school today - her leg has been bothering her - she has been walking a lot and keeping busy. Today was a short day at school so I gave her the ok. She finished reading one book and started another one.

Isabella came home yesterday and was telling us about a little boy in her class - his name is Arnov and he told her that she was the 'beautifulest' and she thought he was a 'very handsome young man as well'. No kidding - her exact words. Arnov is right though - the kid has good taste! I will try to post a close up of her tomorrow - she has some adorable freckles popping up on her cheeks and nose. That is one thing this blog is good at - reminding me to take pictures. Daniel accuses me of being obsessed with this blog - but I just get excited for the opportunity to record our life.

I found these books on sale at the book store - they were for mother's or grandmother's. Kind of like a baby book only for them instead of a new baby. I got kind of excited. My mom and grandmother and Jeremy's mom live far away so they can't share the stories with us as often. I think it is really important to learn what it was like for them - what they thought of and wished for when they started their families .

It is cool to think I can print this out and pass it on - I wonder how weird my grandchildren will think I am...

Alrighty - I am calling a night. It was a good day - got my first strawberry and the spinach and arugula are popping up - my annuals in the front are still there - they just may win the fight against the bugs...

Daniel has a presentation tomorrow and Sam will be heading back to school - they are both almost done.

Love to everyone!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Ice Cubes In My Wine

It is after 10pm and it is still hot hot hot. I know that this isn't anything compared to later this summer, I am wishing that the cool rainy days would have lasted a bit longer. I guess I just have to get used the the warmer weather. On days like today I add ice to my wine. My friend's father is a wine distributor and connoisseur and he just cringes when he sees me do this. But to be honest, I drink wine because I like it - not because of what people think of me. When Jeremy and I were in Italy a couple of years ago, their red wine was cool (as in temperature). I don't feel I am in the wrong at all. I don't have a wine cellar, so my wine is room temperature and when the room is 80 degrees the wine needs a few ice cubes...

The weekend was nice and relaxing. I puttered around mostly. I finished up the planting around the house. Here you see Isabella helping me water the new plants. She just woke up from her nap and was still kind of groggy holding onto her teddy bear. I put together a slide show of my yard. I did it mainly for me ( I love my yard) but I can share... Isabella's friends came over Saturday morning and it was already warm. So we hit the road to pick up a swimming pool. The 3 girls had a blast playing in the pool which was cold and then heading for the warmth of the jacuzzi. The following link includes some of those pictures as well.
http://picasaweb.google.com/layergal/YardWork/photo#s5201906343545335666. Saturday night Jeremy had an old friend over. He had not seen him in 15 years or so - they have been friends since 2nd grade. They stayed up late yapping and having a few beers.

Then on Sunday, I had my normal chores to do - but I also participated in the second Miracle 2008 party planning meeting. I am sure you know about this if you have been keeping up with Kennedy's site at all. I think we are close to having a venue and date. We are hoping for September 13th. Colorado Senator Allard and Senator Hillary Clinton co-sponsored a request to make Sept 13th the first ever Pediatric Cancer Awareness Day. This is pretty big - this is how Breast Cancer awareness started - first a month then a day and then the pink ribbons you see every where. How wonderful would it be to have that same kind of attention on children's cancer. How wonderful would it be to wipe it out forever...

The kids are back home tonight and believe it or not it wasn't as hectic as normal. Daniel had a quick check up for his wisdom teeth - they are looking great. The doctor was very happy. Then I dropped the girls off at home after school to relax while Daniel and I rode our bikes to the grocery store. We loaded up on groceries and came home to pull some dinner together.

Daniel had some homework, Sam had her dramas to catch up on and Isabella played outside. I was telling Jeremy earlier this evening that I thought she was getting more difficult - but after a glass of wine and some quiet time, I think she is just independent. She loves to play with her friends - they are super important to her right now. I think what I see as difficult is actually my problem. I want her to still need me more than she does now. She would rather hang out with the girl across the street instead of me... Isabella hit this stage a bit earlier than Daniel and Samantha. I think they were in kindergarten. Oh well guess it is time for another kid or dog... JUST KIDDING... Jeremy would have a heart attack :)

We are planning to get out of town this weekend and I was hoping Daniel would be able to make it - but he has a job with a caterer and there is a party on Monday. So he opted to stay back and work instead. I knew this day was coming as well - but man is it hard. This weekend isn't anything big - just hanging out with some friends so I couldn't really make him go. He wants to show the boss how committed he is. I can only be proud.

Well it is time for bed. Daniel is complaining that the jacuzzi is only at 102 instead of 104... Time for him to get to bed.

Until tomorrow - Love to everyone!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


A little video of Isabella singing her continents song. She has been quite a character the last few days. She has started calling Jeremy and I father and mother instead of mommy and daddy. She will just talk - she makes up these elaborate stories and there are some nights she has endless energy. The grocery store has miniature grocery baskets and she took one yesterday when we had some shopping to do. She just started shopping - putting things in her basket... The items I picked out, I had to carry. She wouldn't let me use her basket.

Right now she lives for Dora or Diego shows and playing with her friends. She will do anything - including take a nap - if she can invite a friend over. There is a wonderful little girl that lives across the street. She is in kindergarten now - but she and Isabella play great together. She has so much patience with her, I am always impressed.

She still won't ride her bike and she is getting a bit big for the chariot (we pull it behind our bike). I get quite a workout whenever I take her on the trails.

Work is going ok for me personally but the company is doing another round of lay offs. I don't think I am meant for corporate work - their decisions don't make a lot of sense to me. But until Samantha is healthy and the kids are thru college, I just have to bite the bullet. The benefits are actually more valuable than the salary.

I like the weather we have been having lately. It is cool and rainy. Low temperatures are high enough that I can plant. I finished up the herb garden and the vegetable garden last night and I started planting some annuals in the front garden. I will try and post some pictures this weekend. I think it will be cool to see how the gardens change over the summer.

Jeremy and I get a date night tomorrow. Yahoo! I don't know what the plan is yet - Jeremy is working out the details but it will be nice to get out and hang with my husband a bit. Then I am hoping to get a couple bike rides in this weekend. Jeremy says he wants to ride too - his ankle is ok - the bruising is gone but it still aches and by the end of the day he is hobbling. I also will be going to the next Miracle 2008 party planning meeting on Sunday.

Hopefully I can finish up my planting and get my tomato supports done. There is always so much to do.

Well night for now - Love to everyone!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Night

Every second Tuesday of the month is Mom's night - a support group for mothers of kids with cancer. It can be good thing and a hard thing...

Today started a bit rocky. Work and family were throwing things at me from all angles. Isabella didn't get to school until 10 this morning. But the day settled down, the big kids are with their dad this week and I was looking forward to my Mom's night out. The group meets way south in Denver - it is a 45 minute drive for me but it is nice to talk with other moms about life. There are moms there with children at all the different stages - some in treatment, some who have lost children and some with kids that are in remission. That is the good part - I feel normal there - my worries are normal and my current distraction (for the lack of a better word) is normal.

There was a visitor tonight - a 25 year old cancer survivor joined the group. She had Leukemia when she was 5 and was in treatment for 3 years. When she was in treatment, her family was told that kids survive this - it will be ok. But they never saw any of those survivors. So when she started college she decided to give back by being the face of a survivor. I don't know if there are adequate words to express how wonderful it is to meet people like her. The few long term survivors that we have met - I cling to their stories. I remind myself whenever the doubts pop up that they are out there - we have met them. So it was really nice to hear from this gal. One question popped up - she was asked if there was any long term emotional side effects - we all know the health ones... Anyway she said that she didn't think she had any until she decided to start meeting with families. She said that she has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome. Now the hard part... she is in counselling and is doing fine - still out there helping families like us. But as I was driving home I was thinking about her. I haven't asked 'why my daughter' in a long time. Pretty early on in treatment I just moved into my do what you need to do phase. There were more times than I can count when I was angry that Sam had cancer, that she had to deal with the things she did, that she won't be able to wear heels - I know this one is silly but the point is she doesn't have the choice now. It was decided by cancer. There are days when the scars on her body are positive - they are like trophies to remind her how strong she is - but then there are days where they are just reminders that my daughter can't walk on her own yet - that she had to experience pain and the knowledge that she could die. No child should have to be afraid of those things. The hard part knowing that even after her body is healed and she is walking without her crutches she may still feel alone or different later on in life when she is trying to find her identity.

She doesn't even realize what is ahead of her yet - she is sleeping now - all snuggled up in her pink bed with her Ugly dolls. But I know.

Alright - enough of this mushy stuff. I try not to dwell too often, we will just do what we have to do. I am actually getting used the the fact that nothing is really easy or drama free anymore. It took long enough to sink in... :)

Good night to all - love to everyone!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Chubby Cheeks for Mother's Day

Poor Daniel! He took this picture of himself Saturday morning right after he woke up. He was so sure this wisdom teeth stuff would be no big deal. He didn't even want to take Advil. But he soon changed his tune.

It looks a lot worse than it is - but his cheeks were pretty swollen. We should have gotten Sam and Dan together when her lips were swollen - what a Christmas card that would be...

The weekend was a nice one for the most part. Daniel just watched some movies, played some video games and took it easy.

I did some housework and grocery shopping. Jeremy's ankle is still a bit achy but he had the doctor check again now that the swelling is down and it is not broken - good news but we all stayed close to home.
Sunday was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect. Jeremy and I worked out in the yard for the most part - Isabella played and Sam sat out and kept us company. I turned all the soil in the garden to prepare for planting and Jeremy made me a new planter box for the back yard for my herb garden.
Once that was done I went shopping - yahoo! I didn't have a chance to start seeds in Feb. so I decided I would just buy some seedlings. I had to go to 3 different places to get everything I wanted. We decided that along with tomatoes and peppers, we would try broccoli and cauliflower this year as well. Then of course I needed an assortment of herbs for my new garden and some annuals for the front garden.
Samantha and Isabella and I hit the first few stores together then we had to drop Isabella off for the remainder. It was getting close to nap time and a tired Izi in a busy store just isn't good for anyone.
Once we made it home, Jeremy cooked dinner and Samantha made this baked pineapple for desert that was wonderful. While it was cooking I started planting. It never fails - every time I am at a nursery or garden store - my eyes are bigger than my wallet. ;)
I came home with so many plants... Needless to say I still have many left to plant. I was going to do some on my lunch hour today, but a cold front is moving in and there is snow in the forecast. Can you believe it? Only in Colorado - in all the years I have been here - Mother's Day is usually safe for planting. I am hoping that the plants that made it into the ground yesterday can take the cold. I didn't get to the garden so those plants safely in for the night as well as the rest of the annuals I didn't have a chance to plant.
Daniel's cheeks are deflating as we speak - he didn't make it to school today but he should be fine for tomorrow. I think the percasett didn't agree with him. It made him feel ok - but he had nightmares and didn't sleep well. He wouldn't take them at all on Sunday.
Well it is late - I can't believe that it may snow tomorrow - I love the moisture - but I would like some warmer weather.
Take care - Love to everyone!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Full House

Daniel had his wisdom teeth removed this morning. It all went well and now he is playing video games with a friend. Isabella has a friend over as well playing dolls and Samantha is chilling eating ice cream and reading her latest People magazine with one of her friends.

Is anyone counting? That is 6 kids - ages 3 to 16. When Daniel's friend arrived around 6pm - I asked him if he was hungry and needed anything to eat since the kids were eating their dinners. His answer was no I am fine - just had dinner. Since then he has eaten Hot Cheetos, a cheese burrito, chips, 2 ice cream bars, a Popsicle and then decided that he and Daniel should make cupcakes. If I didn't have to go to the grocery store before, I do now...

It is wonderful to have a house full. This is how it should be. All the kids gabbing around the table.

Today was a better day - the weather was wonderful - sunny and mild. I am excited for this weekend - I am going to plant my garden and play with my house plants.

I will take some pictures and share on Sunday.

Until then - Happy Mother's Day to every mom out there - I hope you get many many hugs from your children and can relax or do what ever you want at least on Sunday.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dawn til Dusk

Well the day started early. Any day that we have a specific place we need to be at a certain time the day always has to start early. This morning Samantha had to be at the Elitches (a roller coaster park) by 9:30am. To most families this may seem like plenty of time - but not to ours.

I had everyone up and showered by 7:30am - we were looking good. Isabella was up, dressed and eating breakfast by 7:50am. I was making the lunches, answering morning emails, getting the stuff Sam needs to get ready when Isabella decided to dump her bowl of cereal and milk all over the place. So then we entered clean up mode - Isabella headed upstairs to change clothes - by this time Jeremy had to leave for an 8:30am meeting and we were on schedule to leave in 10 as well. Well it turns out that Isabella had a bit of a wardrobe crisis and we didn't leave the house until 9.

Believe it or not we were able to get Isabella to school and make a couple quick stops before arriving only 15 or so minutes late. The good thing is that the school buses we were supposed to meet were late as well.

Samantha ended up having a super fun day 'studying' about roller coasters and velocity. I never had school trips like this when I was growing up...

Anyway - her field trip lasted until 5:30 pm - so I worked until 3:30 - worked out for 20 minutes then I was off to pick up Isabella by 4:30 - then picked up Daniel - then Jeremy at 5 pm. Daniel got to chose a place to go out for dinner since he won't be eating well for the next few days. His wisdom teeth are scheduled to be removed at 9am tomorrow morning.

I think he is enjoying the fact that it is his turn as weird as that seems, to have some attention. I will work from home tomorrow and take care of him. I am hoping everything goes ok and he doesn't experience too much pain.

Anyway - since we had to be downtown to pick up Samantha - he picked a favorite Italian food joint and we met Uncle Ike and had a nice dinner together.

I ran out of wine a couple days ago and I was thinking on the way home - I can wait until tomorrow - I just want to get home. But then Daniel started picking on Isabella - Samantha started asking to go for ice cream and I decided that I would have to stop after all.

I went to pick up some wine - Daniel went to pick up the ice cream and Samantha picked out some movies.

We made it home by dusk...

I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend - we will see how that goes. Jeremy has been pretty busy at work lately and I am hoping he will go have his foot checked again now that the swelling is down. It still hurts him most of the time - I think he could at least benefit from a boot. But like most men - he is a bit stubborn.

Here is a picture of Samantha's new cast. She has a bow that she can add if she wants - but I couldn't find it - sorry.
She doesn't have school tomorrow which is probably good. She can spend the day relaxing after today. She has been managing her pain with only an occasional Advil and walking on it everyday. I am super proud of her - she will be walking in no time.
I also want to say a quick thank you to everyone who has sponsored me for the Courage Classic. Jeremy is still winning but I am close behind. Each time I look at the amount raised so far - I feel wonderful. I feel like I have a chance to give something back.
I am struggling a bit - a young girl Taylor (her caring bridge site is in the link section) had a biopsy last week. They didn't get real good news this week and I have been thinking about her constantly. Her cancer has spread even with her doing radiation and chemo. I am hoping they have more options - just waiting to hear. But please send good thoughts to her and her family. She is a sweety and her mom is a super strong lady. I can't tell you how many times a day I wish and wish that every child could beat cancer - send it packing. You hear that the survival rates for kids cancer are high - at least 80% - but that means 20 out of a 100 don't make it and I don't want Taylor to be one of those 20.
I will post tomorrow and let everyone know how things turned out with Daniel. Sweet Dreams!
Love to everyone!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Quick Update

I just wanted to add a quick update on Samantha's doctor's appointment today. We got up and out of the house on time this morning, but Starbucks was slow so we were still late for the appointment by 5 or 10 minutes. It wasn't a big deal because they were not ready for us yet anyway.

They removed the old pink cast. Samantha hates this part - to make it worse the waterproof lining stuck to the incision and a scab came off with it. My normally sweet child from the past year disappeared this morning. She let the cast tech have it and then pretty much melted down when she was told she had to move into another room and have it x-rayed.

She hates seeing the incision - but her reaction was more along the lines of someone resisting torture. She has been thru so many situations that were harder than today that everyone was taken aback. I think even Samantha was surprised at her reaction. But we worked thru it thanks to some calm voices and an extra sheet to cover the site.

Then Dr. Heare came in to look - there is still one spot (where the scab came off) that is a bit juicy - so no swimming for a while. But he removed the staples and rubber band (being used to stretch her skin). Needless to say, Samantha was a bit upset with him as well.

He let us know that the ankle fusion was almost totally healed and that at the shin - there was some new bone popping up connecting the healthy bone to the cadaver bone.

Samantha wrapped up the visit getting a neon orange casts with neon green stripes. I would post a picture, but Sam is at the Rockies game tonight. So that will have to wait until tomorrow.

All in all - after the brief drama - Samantha managed the discomfort without any additional pain meds (she is off all of them except for an occasional Advil). I am proud of her. I can only imagine how hard it must be to be reminded of the hard times of the past year when she is feeling so well and getting back to normal.

I am signing off for now - it is getting late and I want to have a bit of down time to enjoy the rain before heading off to bed. Take care - all our love to George and his family!

Love to everyone!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday Maddness and Cupcakes...

Did today's title peak your curiosity? -- Well today was a typical Monday. The big kids are back with me for a week which usually means crazy times thru dinner at least. I forget when they are at their dad's what it is like having all 3 together.

This afternoon - I picked up Isabella and Samantha from school and we headed to the grocery store to get some food. So I have an excited Isabella because she gets to hang with her sister and I have a typical 14 year old jonesing for cherry cupcakes like her friend had at the last birthday party. Isabella is trying to convince me to get chocolate milk - promising that this time she will drink it all - and Samantha trying to convince me that partially hydrogenated oils aren't too bad if you don't over do...

All this with me trying to remember what I need for the week because even though I have a list - it is sitting on my desk at work with all the other lists I have made and always forget to bring.

I start out with endless patience - but by checkout I am rushing to get out of the store before I collapse in a heap.

Noah stopped by to work on his mountain bike with Jeremy. Which reminds me - I got a picture of Jeremy's foot - 5 days later - after the swelling has gone down:
Doesn't this look wonderful? Jeremy worked from home today - sitting on the couch with his foot up. He is able to put some weight on it - but not for long periods of time.
Noah stayed for dinner - he got to experience the Monday night dinner with the Layer/Gray family. All the kids talking at once - teasing and laughing - bringing us up to date on the past week and making plans for the upcoming one.
Samantha decided to take Jeremy and one of her friends to the baseball game tomorrow evening. Make a wish gave us some tickets...
After dinner Samantha and Isabella made those cherry cupcakes I was talking about earlier - can I stick to my guns or what?
Check out the fun pictures:

I have a feeling this post will be kind of long - I was playing with our new camera. I have pictures of Isabella and Samantha - I have been bugging Daniel that I need some pictures of him too. I have been into black and white ones lately - so I was trying find that setting on the camera when I found this cool feature:

I hope you can see how the flower is kind of yellow even though the picture is in black and white. Samantha's smile is probably taking all the attention - is my daughter beautiful or what?

I played around with a lot of other settings as well. Needless to say I have a lot of blurry clouds on film and one of Reno (our black and white dog) with big yellow reflections for eyes.

The good news is Daniel finally let me get a few of him as well. Take a look...

Isn't my boy cute? Well we had a lot of fun at dinner tonight. We finished the evening with Jeremy surrendering the remote to Samantha while I tried to convince Isabella she really did want to take a bath and she really was tired.
As of now - at 10:30 pm - Isabella is asleep and Daniel is chilling in his room. Samantha is getting ready for bed and Jeremy is working (surprise, surprise).
I am having a ball with figuring out this blog stuff. So even if no one reads it - I will have memories of our times.
The day started off a bit rocky - Isabella didn't want to go to school and I felt guilty leaving her there with tears in her eyes. I drove to work wishing I could win the lotto (pretty routine every Monday). But all is well that ends well.
Mom - I didn't forget George's last name - just forgot to write it down. I hope he is doing ok - we have been thinking about him often. To leave a comment - at the bottom of this posting there is a comment link. Just click on it and it will open a window for you to post if you want.
I hope everyone is enjoying all the mundane info on the family - but like I said - I will keep posting just so I can remember our times together. The blog helps me look at our everyday occurrences with humor and gratitude. This is really the important stuff.
OK - so it is late - I could probably write all night (I think I may be getting a bit addicted to blogging :P) but tomorrow is a big day.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Love to everyone!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I am so EXCITED!

Yahoo! I have donations on my Courage Classic site. Guess that means I need another pair of bike shorts. Daniel said he wants to ride as well. But her really hasn't done any bike riding in the mountains or for more than 15 miles or so. I know he has good intentions - but this isn't going to be as easy as he thinks. I was telling him the hardest thing was getting on your bike on Day 2 - your tush hurts pretty bad. You eventually get used to it again when the pain and effort of pedaling up the passes take your attention. I did the MS 150 a couple of years back (before the baby). The first year Jeremy and I did it on a tandem and it was pretty fun. The next year I did it myself. I never have been a big road rider - but I understand why it is addictive. You get into a rhythm and it feels great. The MS 150 is 150 miles in 2 days. The Courage Classic is 157 miles in 3 days. The weather is getting warmer - soon we can start doing some training rides up closer to the course. I like to do the hard parts - just to know that I can do them.

Anyway - thank you to those of you who donated or plan to donate. I am so proud to be riding for my super wonderful and strong daughter.

This weekend was kind of mellow. As I mentioned before Jeremy's ankle is still swollen and he is out of commission. We have just been staying close to home for the most part. It is actually good to do every once in a while. I got the house clean and the wash done. Now I am sitting in my rocking chair with a glass of wine listening to my music - so very calm and relaxing.

Isabella had a great weekend - but she misses her sister and brother. Every day she asks when they are coming home. I haven't talked to Dan in a couple of days - which is not surprising - he always has so much going on. I just have to wait until tomorrow - the the conversation will be non-stop as he rummages thru the fridge - giving me his shopping list.

I talked with Samantha last night - she had a great evening with a friend celebrating her birthday. She was a bit bummed because everyone ended the evening bowling and she couldn't participate. I reminded her again that this is such a short time in the grand scheme of things. But I can only imagine how hard times like this can be for her. She just wants to be normal and do the other normal things. Today I think her dad was keeping her busy visiting friends for lunch and then other friends for dinner. I love that she can get out and enjoy every ones company.

The coming week will be busy for everyone. Tomorrow will be crazy like usual. Having all 3 kids together - all of them talking and playing is wonderful - but loud. :)

Tuesday is a doctor's appointment with Dr. Heare to have her site checked and cast replaced. Then Samantha got some Rockies tickets for the gave on Tuesday evening. Thursday - Samantha had a class field trip to Elitches (fun park). I have to wait until tomorrow to get Daniel's schedule. Then hopefully I can get a couple of bike rides in during the week.

I have been trying to stick to Weight Watchers - and until a couple of days ago - I was doing alright. There is a lot of motivation to get some of this weight off - I really don't want to haul it up and over the mountain passes. ;) This week I am hoping to break even - guess we will see.

Alrighty - I have been looking at other blogs to get some ideas - I tried adding that slide show. I don't know about anyone else - but it uses up too many resources for me to run it on my computer. So I think I will try breaking it down a bit.

If anyone reading out there have blogs of their own and want to share - let me know. I am going to add some of the regular caring bridge sites I follow.

I hope everyone had a wonderful productive weekend!
Love to everyone!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I am still working on this balance idea. The last few days have been colder and overcast and my mood has matched it. The big kids are with their dad this week which is nice - but the house is quiet - even with Isabella's chattering. On Wednesday - Jeremy hurt his ankle on his mountain bike ride. It isn't broken but it is black and blue and so swollen. It is so hard for him to stay off of it - he is so active and he is frustrated. It is getting better - he is able to put a bit of weight on it now and we are going to try to get out of the house a bit today. All these things to think about along with work...

This morning I went to Stacey's Miracle 2008 party planning meeting. It was wonderful to see all the moms. But it is so hard for me at times. I feel guilty that Samantha is done and doing wonderful and looking beautiful - when their children are still fighting and feeling yucky. I wish with everything that I am that their children were finished and could get on with their lives as well. I still follow the caring bridge sites and so often I want to post - but the words just don't come. I am hoping that by the time for this party arrives - all the kids will have wrapped up their chemo and they will be feeling wonderful - confident that the cancer is gone.

I finally committed to the Courage Classic - I am going to get my tush on the bike and pedal until I can't pedal anymore. So now I am going to ask for your support - please make a donation - it is easy - just goto http://www.couragetours.com/2008/supersam and make the donation online. It will be a challenge for me - but nothing compared to what Samantha faced this past year. It is the least I could do for the wonderful people at Children's and the support they provide.

We are trying to figure out what to do for Memorial Day Weekend. Samantha has been asking to get out of town. I would personally love to go to a hot springs and just have a quiet weekend with the kids but we have to check with the doctors to see if they will give the ok for Sam to participate. We have some friends in Gunnison that we haven't seen in a while, so we may head down that way.

We will see Dr. Heare on Tuesday for a cast replacement for Sam. He will check her incision site and put on another waterproof cast. Then the next doctor's appt will be on June 5th.

The sun is out today and it is getting warmer - I hope everyone is getting out and enjoying the weekend.

Please support my Courage Classic ride - I truly appreciate anything you can do - Children's hospital is a wonderful cause.

Isabella is having a melt down because of some glitter on her fingers and Jeremy needs me to check for something for him as well.

So I am off -
Love to everyone!

Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!