Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Long Week - Long Day

I don't think it was a full moon. Maybe I am wrong - I should probably check. This week has been long and hard and it is only Tuesday - jeez.

The weekend was nice for the most part - kind of short but we got to go visit some friends on Sunday. Monday hit us full force - work has been super busy and Samantha has not been feeling well. Daniel, I think is feeling off too.

I definitely know I am off. I am not on the same wave length as the kids lately - turning into one of those crazy moms that most teenagers talk about. I was hoping to handle it a bit better once we got to this point. My goal now is to thicken up my skin and relax a bit.

Samantha was having some issues with her broviac - we can not draw blood lately. The last time she received her antibiotic it burned a bit so the doctor had us come in and get an x-ray to check out the line. It seems that the broviac may be leaking a bit so the doctor will fix that during tomorrows surgery.

The good news is that since we were all ready at the hospital and getting x-rays they decided to do her chest CT scan and pelvic x-rays - both of which looked fantastic. These are the scans they were planning to do during next weeks Oncology 3 month check up. SAMANTHA IS NOW 1 YEAR CANCER FREE!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!

Tomorrow will be a long day as well - but we will be one step closer to Samantha walking again.

In the meantime I will continue to wade thru the turmoil of teenage drama and pull all the humor out of the situations I can. If anyone has some good tips - please pass them along.

Night and love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angels,
    Thinking of you extra strength today! I know all will be great with the surgery and will be waiting for your call.

    ONE YEAR CANCER FREE! God does listen! Don't feel badly if you are a normal mom with teenagers... not only is it something you have the right to do normaly, but after the 2 coming on 2 years you've endured... my heavens angel, let loose! Deep breathes today and know that my heart is with you today.
    Love mom


Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!