Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fun in the Sun

Not too much to update - Thursday was Fair Days at Isabella's school, Adventure Montessori. They had one big end of summer blast complete with popcorn, snowcones, cotton candy, jumping castles and lots of games. Jeremy worked on putting the most of the games together and then went into Isabella's school and he and the kids drilled, glued and sanded.

Here is Isabella getting ready to race on her hobby horse.

Cowgirl Izi Lizzy!

Plinko game - That is Isabella's head peaking up!

Cowboy Dad!

Bean bag toss - the kids and teachers decorated all the games Jeremy and Iz created.

Below you see Jeremy and Isabella in the sack race - Isabella left Jeremy in the dust - She is just a blur in the second picture. Amazing!

Samantha super excited to be hanging with the kids.

The first place Isabella went was the cotton candy.

Then we finished up in the face painting room - Isabella chose a butterfly on her face and for her balloon animal as well.

What a fun afternoon - Jeremy did a fantastic job on all the games - the teachers loved it.

Friday Jeremy did some last minute running around to prepare for Ajay's bachelor party. Samantha had another physical therapy appointment and she is doing wonderful (although she has been a bit sore over the weekend).

Then for Friday night - Sam, Iz and I went out for Sushi and then I dropped her at her dads for the week.

Saturday I was able to fit in a bit of shopping - Daniel broke Isabella's Jasmine doll so one of the stops was to the Disney store. It was Isabella's first time and she thought it was the best. She had such a big smile - I have many birthday ideas for her now.

Saturday night I went to Gina's bachelorette party which was nice and relaxing.

Sunday was chores for me - but Daniel went mountain biking with his friend. This is his first time in almost 6 years. He really wanted to go - but really doesn't have all the gear needed. He improvised... He is wearing one of Jeremy's bike jerseys and under his pajama bottoms he has some bike shorts at least. But the funny part is that he doesn't even have tennis shoes - he is wearing his Vans.
Needless to say - his feet slipped a bit when trying to pedal up the trail. He came back confessing he puked once and proudly showing me his scraped up knee and elbow. (he didn't come close to winning - my 4th of July crash looked way worse!)
He has not been a real big fan of exercise so I think he was a bit surprised that biking was so hard - but he had fun and is planning on doing it again soon. We will be getting him some appropriate gear so he doesn't have to work quite as hard.
Boy - I guess I did have a lot to update. I am hoping this week will be quiet - I plan on trying to get out and ride my bike a bit - keep caught up on the house and wash. Jeremy's 100 mile mountain bike ride is on Saturday and get this - Lance Armstrong will be riding this year! I probably won't see him because I am there to support Jeremy - but I plan on bringing one of Sam's Flashes of Hope pictures for him to autograph just in case.
Then we are off to Cody to hang with the grandparents.
Ok - night and Love to everyone!

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Layer/Gray Family

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Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!