Thursday, March 8, 2012

Better Day

It was a typical night in the hospital.  Every 30 minutes or so checking this and that...   Samantha was able to sleep a bit and we have her pain under control.  

We have seen doctors, counselors and her physical therapist.  All agree that Samantha looks great and is doing a just fine.

Her dad and grandma spent the day with us and it started out right.  She got some free bagels which just hit the spot.  She watched 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and napped off and on throughout the day.

Later she got a visit from Isabella, Zack and Annie (her brother and sister on her dad's side).  It was just what the doctor ordered.  Samantha loved to see them and they did a great job keeping her occupied for a couple hours.  It gets a bit crazy with little ones but they were happy to see her smile.

She has so many beautiful flowers and balloons and even a cookie basket!   Right now she is eating her dinner and watching 'The Breakfast Club'.  The goal tomorrow is to get out of bed and off IV pain medication.  Samantha s a bit hesitant to get into a wheel chair because it will be kind of hard not to see her leg.  We are taking it slow and when she is ready, I am sure she will again astound us with her strength and spirit.  Hopefully we will make it home as well.

Love to everyone!


  1. I am glad to hear today went well. Hope tomorrow is even better.

  2. Sending you lot of love and kisses.
    Sharon and Robb

  3. you are a rock star!!! keep up the amazing work! love you


Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!