Wednesday, March 28, 2012


 So Sam is feeling so good she actually let me take some pictures of her.  She is up and around working on her homework this week.

Her leg is looking fantastic and soon she may let me take a picture of that as well.

This week is spring break for the kids.  With everything happening so fast, I didn't sign Isabella up for any camps so she is hanging with us here at home.

Work is coming along although it can be a bit challenging being productive with a full house.

On top of that - it is absolutely beautiful outside.  I find myself wandering around playing with my plants - inside and outside.  
Isabella has cleaned her room - a gigantic feat for such a small girl...  She also has had a couple play-dates - which keeps her happy as well as mom.

Samantha has been getting out of the house a bit - usually just car drives - but that is a start.  She is off of the heavy narcotic drugs which is fantastic!  Every once in a while she will have a Valium at bedtime.  It helps with the phantom pain.  She has decided to name her phantom foot...   She doesn't like always trying to explain what type of pain she is experiencing - so she just calls it 'darling Mildred'.   With the Mildred pain - Advil won't help - she needs to actually  move around a bit or massage her leg.

There is still a bit of draining but I still think we are improving.  As you can see from the pictures - Samantha's beautiful smile has returned!   I love it...

We are heading up to Leadville for a couple of days.  Jeremy is taking Friday off from work and he and Isabella will probably try and ski one more time before all the snow melts away.

Samantha will take advantage of the quiet in Leadville and hopefully catch up on her reading.  I have work and the Spanish Festival skirts I am sewing to keep me busy. 

We will be back in the city late Saturday so I will have Sunday to work out in the yard.  I have a new garden I need to prep.  If this warm weather says here - I will be able to plant in April!  

I hope you all enjoy the pictures of my beautiful girls!  Like I mentioned before - I am trying to get Samantha to agree to a picture of her limb.  I think it is beautiful and would love to show it off.

Until then - love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. She looks fabulous! And the pic with Izzy is too cute for words. :-)


Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!