Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just a wild and crazy day...

You may have seen the movie 'Cheaper by the Dozen' - there is a scene where the dad is trying to get dinner together and one kid comes up to him because she scraped her knee - he is tending to her - some spaghetti sauce is spilled on the floor - another kid comes in and thinks it is blood and pukes - then the phone rings...

Well that is how my morning started off. Daniel has late start so he doesn't go to school until after 9 - Samantha had her civil war re enactment so we had to be at the park by 9:30 am - and Isabella needed to get to school too.
I was tending work matters, making lunches for all three kids while Daniel played with Isabella. Not a quiet game, but one where he throws a stuffed animal at her then runs as she screams trying to get him back. Somewhere in there Daniel decided he needed to do this while on Sam's crutches adding a fun twist to the proceedings. Then the phone rang... I was trying to figure out how to work from a park while getting lunches and bags into the van when the dog slipped out the front door. We have 2 - one stayed like a good girl but the other - Roxy - decided she wanted to go and wouldn't get out of the van. We finally bribed her out with treats. We got everyone loaded and were on the road only 10 minutes late. And I only had to listen to "Don't stop believing" 2 times. Am I a miracle worker or what?

The civil war reenactment was really cool, made me want to do some research on the civil war and its battles - haven't done it yet - but I want to... ;)

We made it until lunch (about 3 hours) before Samantha's rear end gave out. She couldn't participate since she can't walk and hold the gun. But all the other kids did a fantastic job - getting shot with flour packets and dying so convincingly.

Jeremy and I were invited for drinks with some friends from work. We were actually able to go this time. Daniel has been begging for a chance to earn some money, so he babysat Isabella and Samantha had dinner with her Dad. We were home in time to read Isabella books and snuggle a bit before she fell asleep.

Samantha is heading off to bed and Dan and Jeremy are playing a game of chance - just a nice quiet night at home - the complete opposite of this morning. I guess that means our life is returning to a nice balance.

This week flew by and the weekend is almost full already.

Until tomorrow - night and love to everyone!

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Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!