Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It could be one big bleb or many small ones, kind of like bubble wrap - that is the official medical term for the imperfection on Jeremy's lung. A bleb causes the lung to pop.

Jeremy met with the surgeon and after talking with the doctor we feel certain that the surgery is the best coarse of action. After looking at his x-rays, the surgeon said Jeremy actually had a tension pneumothorax - that is when the lung collapses so much that it starts pushing the heart out of place. This can be very dangerous because the movement of the heart can kink the blood vessels...

The surgeon said if Jeremy had come into his ER, he would have performed the surgery right then. As it stands now, Jeremy's surgery is Friday morning. They will go in and first scope the lung to find the blebs, then they deflate the lung and remove them. They then do a controlled injury to the rib cage and re-inflate it. The lung then heals against the rib cage so in the unlikely event that this happens again, the lung won't collapse. The blebs are usually on the top of the lung and the doctor assured Jeremy that his lung capacity will not be compromised. He will stay in the hospital 2 to 5 days depending on if his lung leaks a bit or not. He won't be able to travel to higher elevations for at least 10 days. He will then be good as new.

Jeremy's mom - Liz - is flying into Denver tomorrow evening. Jeremy is a bit nervous - who can blame him? I will be working from the hospital on Friday and will post as soon as I can after he is in his room. The procedure should only be an hour and a half.

Samantha is doing well - moving around as much as she can. She is staying with her dad this week. Isabella is excited to see her grandma. Jeremy and I are enjoying a few relatively quiet days - trying to get caught up on work.

The weather is cold here - last night it snowed and I think it might again tonight - but it was so beautiful. Big white flakes coming down in the moonlight. My favorite time of the year is coming up - Spring. Hopefully I will have a happy, healthy and mobile family by then!

Take care - Love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi kids,
    Tell Jeremy I'll be thinking of him Friday. It probably sounds scarier than it is. The heart thing sounds like it could have been a real serious thing had they not caught it in time. Please call me as soon as you can and let me know how it goes. I love you all. I know he'll be just fine and as good as ever. I'll talk with you tomorrow Angel. Tell Jeremy I love him and will be sending him my positive vibes and prayers. I love you too honey. He'll be okay. Talk with you tomorrow.


Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!