Sunday, June 1, 2008

Where do I start?

Well first off some good news:
United States Senate
For Release:May 23, 2008
Contact: Steve Wymer (Allard) 202-224-6207 Clinton Press Office - 202-224-2243
Senate Passes Allard-Clinton
‘National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day’ Resolution

Washington, D.C. – September 13, 2008 will now be recognized as “National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day” as a result of a Senate resolution introduced by U.S. Senators Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) and Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY).

“Never before in history has the dream of eliminating childhood cancer been so attainable, yet seemed so elusive,” said Senator Allard. “We live in a nation where the effectiveness of treatments and technology offer hope to children who dream of a bright future. Each case of childhood cancer is a very personal tragedy that can strike any family with children, at anytime, anywhere. In setting aside September 13th to recognize this battle on cancer, we continue of our efforts to draw attention to the victims of childhood cancer and the great work of the families and organizations who continue the fight.”

"We have made tremendous strides in the fight against childhood cancer, but far too many children still suffer and lose their lives to this illness. The more we know as a nation the better able we will be to prevent and treat the disease and help those who are battling and surviving pediatric cancers. National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day is an opportunity to reach out to all Americans with the facts about childhood cancer, and this day will be an important symbol of our commitment on all days to find a cure," said Senator Clinton.

Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer and the second overall leading cause of death of children in the United States. More than 10,000 children under the age of 15 in the United States are diagnosed with cancer annually.

The above was a press release. A step forward for a cure for childhood cancer. On the heals of this wonderful news - we found out that another child who had been in remission for 15 months had his cancer come back in his brain. I just met his mother at the Miracle 2008 party planning meeting. She was so positive and has started a Justin Time foundation to give back. This was hard news for me to take - Samantha has her next set of scans on Thursday. She is super excited for this milestone. At 3 months her doctors told her she can have Sushi again and that she can stop taking one of her antibiotics. I know that her scans will be clean - I know it!

Well the good news is that we stay so busy I don't have too much time to dwell. Speaking of which - Isabella has a yearly 'Culture Day' where the families celebrate different cultures with food and a small presentation. For some reason I thought this was on Friday - but as I was dropping Isabella off at school Thursday morning at 9 am I found out it was that same day at 10:30 am. So I rushed home to finish the cookies (we signed up to bring Grandma's cookies - Italian biscotti) and print off a quick map of Italy/Sicily. I made it back to her school in time to enjoy all the wonderful presentations - we have a families from Ireland, Germany, Spain, Mexico and India. We are really lucky to live where we do and learn from so many.

Ok - moving on - Friday Samantha and I went to the play Mamma Mia. I have created a monster... We got dressed up and went out for a nice dinner then off to the theatre. She had a wonderful time and absolutely loved it and wants to do it again and again.

Here is the picture of Sam after the show. Look at how much hair she has! She is doing well in school - 3 As and a B. Can you believe that... After a year of kicking cancer's butt, she can step right in and do the same at her school. Most of the time she is smiling and planning. Full days still tire her out a bit but she is getting better and better. I know the doctors will be impressed with her progress.

Daniel is doing great as well. He is anxious for school to be out - he only has 2 more days of finals before he is done. He watched Isabella for us on Friday night. Jeremy had a couple of commitments and Daniel likes earning money - so it worked out for everyone.

On Saturday - we spent it at home. The house was calling out for some attention since we were gone last weekend. Isabella needed some sandals and another bathing suite - she was so excited to get some pink flip flops that light up when she walks.

On Sunday - Jeremy and Daniel went up to the land to take down the tipi. Isabella and I did some power cleaning, mowed the yard and then headed to the zoo for the afternoon. We have been many times - but this is the first time that Isabella got really excited. First we watched the seals at mealtime - she giggled and giggled. Then we wandered - had some ice cream and hit some of her favorites.

I don't know if you can see - but behind Isabella there are some goslings. She was pretty excited.

Yummy chocolate ice cream.

Isabella insisted on seeing the penguins. Then we were off to see her favorite - the elephants.

This elephant was taking water with his trunk and spitting it back onto the ground to make mud. The it would pick it back up and squirt into onto itself. Isabella was laughing again!

Well we made it home and decided to chill out the rest of the evening. Jeremy is watching a movie and I just looked at the clock - 10:52 pm - way too late for me. It seems that I can't get to bed before 11 anymore. The days start early - can you believe it is already June? - Holy Moly.

Oh well - one day at a time. Night and Love to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angels,
    I looking at all the fun you had this weekend. I'll be waiting to hear from you Thursday. I know in my heart that Sammi will be fine. She's tough like her mom.
    Nothing unusual happening around here except that I'm actually doing contract now and listings! Not just showing houses galore. That makes it worth it.
    Gramma and Papa say hi and miss you all. They're doing pretty good. Today she was so happy because she actually did the dishes while dad was outside. For her that was a challenge and I'm so proud she's still trying so hard to get some strength and pride back.
    I love you all and will be praying for Thursday to be one of the best days ever!


Layer/Gray Family

My photo
Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!