Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We are sitting here watching American Idol. Only my daughter battling cancer could have got me to watch this show. I have tried so hard to avoid reality TV but she loves this show along with a couple others -- America's Top Model and Beauty and the Geek...

I was pleasantly surprised - I don't know if it is always like this but there was a couple of bluesy and hippy type singers. Samantha loved Jason - who can blame her with eyes like his...

Anyway she has been pretty excited all day. I think only Samantha could have gotten Jeremy involved as well. He doesn't watch much TV at all much less reality. But Samantha recorded each show and wouldn't watch it until Jeremy was ready.

Daniel is hanging out in his room - he protests against AI - he likes 'indie' music (independent) and creativity and you don't really find that on this show. Oh well enough of that.

Samantha stayed home from school today - her leg has been bothering her - she has been walking a lot and keeping busy. Today was a short day at school so I gave her the ok. She finished reading one book and started another one.

Isabella came home yesterday and was telling us about a little boy in her class - his name is Arnov and he told her that she was the 'beautifulest' and she thought he was a 'very handsome young man as well'. No kidding - her exact words. Arnov is right though - the kid has good taste! I will try to post a close up of her tomorrow - she has some adorable freckles popping up on her cheeks and nose. That is one thing this blog is good at - reminding me to take pictures. Daniel accuses me of being obsessed with this blog - but I just get excited for the opportunity to record our life.

I found these books on sale at the book store - they were for mother's or grandmother's. Kind of like a baby book only for them instead of a new baby. I got kind of excited. My mom and grandmother and Jeremy's mom live far away so they can't share the stories with us as often. I think it is really important to learn what it was like for them - what they thought of and wished for when they started their families .

It is cool to think I can print this out and pass it on - I wonder how weird my grandchildren will think I am...

Alrighty - I am calling a night. It was a good day - got my first strawberry and the spinach and arugula are popping up - my annuals in the front are still there - they just may win the fight against the bugs...

Daniel has a presentation tomorrow and Sam will be heading back to school - they are both almost done.

Love to everyone!

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Layer/Gray Family

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Layer/Gray family includes Jeremy, Dawn, Isabella, Daniel and Samantha. We are active, opinionated and fun loving!